I love Alien. Along with The Thing, The Matrix, Cloud Atlas, and Mad Max: Fury Road, Alien is one of my top favorite movies.

Modules, musings, mechanics, and play reports for adventure games
The third session of my ongoing Ultraviolet Grasslands campaign has come and gone! In this post, I present a link to the video, as well as a written session synopsis, for the readers' edification. Also, here is a link to get yourself a copy of the dungeon I ran for this session: Glitch Spire! It's PWYW on itch.io :)
While Alroy, the red-brick necromancer folk historian, spent three weeks pondering his orb from the ballpit of the Satrap’s faultless crystal clock, the rest of the party struggled against starvation, danger, and disease as they made their way from the High Road and the Low to deliver Miela’s letter of inheritance to a dangerously laissez-faire trust fund baby in the Potsherd Crater, then set out to resupply amid the brutal enamelware caste-hierarchy of the Porcelain Citadel.
A couple of days ago, I kicked off a much anticipated campaign of Luka Rejec's Ultraviolet Grasslands (UVG) with a session 0. I laid out the 5-foot-long Grand Long Map and postcards from UVG locations, and printed out sheets and packets from the UVG book so multiple players could review the glossary, languages, and gear. I also introduced players to Hakaba, my homebrew Adventure Hour! hack for UVG (rules one-pager here).
Here's a quick play report: