In February 2019, I started running Stormlock as a campaign. After 111 sessions averaging 2.5 hours each, with a shifting cast of players, the introduction of a couple dozen characters (4 of whom died; many more retired), we finished the campaign with a "zoomed out" matrix game session. It was a blast, and a very satisfying way to resolve the campaign.
I'd like to share some highlights from the campaign, most of the resources I used to run the game (the map, a factions write up, a random encounter table, and the session prep notes), and a play report of the final session.
Some Campaign Highlights
- The party halfling challenged a 12 year old stable boy to a drinking contest in a bid to steal some horses in the starting town - and the kid drank him under the table!
- The party cornered Ligahoo, the black hare, eyes and ears of Aepep the colossal demon worm - and then let him go! The demons proceeded to destroy a PC's nearby hometown. Never trust a demon.
- In their first dungeon delve, the heros met the sadistic, cajun-accented hive-mind oozey-zombie demon Miasgloom, the ultimate recurring villain, who proceeded to annoy them at the campaign's every turn. Give your hive minds good voices - they're gonna be around for a looong time.
- The party hung out at the home of one of the PC's moms. While there, the party sorcerer used one of mom's landscape paintings as a portal to Hell, which got them a cool tracking spell but ultimately caused an explosion that blew up mom's house. Also, a shadow magic assassin broke into mom's house to steal the party's orb of dragonkind, which precipitated a rooftop chase and a neighbor was mortally wounded as a distraction. Never share your home with an active adventuring party.
- The party learned that their god Surmos wasn't actually a God, and got a tasty lore dump from a retired gnome stoner bard named Rimscatch Tababble. Attendantly: one of them was indoctrinated into the Order of the Silver Strand (basically the Last Airbender's Order of the White Lotus).
- In a 4-shot arc as a bunch of low-level castle guards sent to clean up a mess the players abandoned in the castle dungeon, the characters met a goofy water weird named Babble, put a blood-eagled devil-worshiping librarian out of his misery, and inadvertently opened a portal to Hell (there were a lot of Hell portals in this game) below the Kingdom's capitol
- After accidentally freeing a cultist from prison, the sorcerer miscast and turned into a floating cactus
- The party ran into a cultist that turned into a boiling-mud-spewing grossout chimera demon. They defeated him with the power of love, giving him speeches about being a worthy human being, not giving up on his humanity, etc. until he reverted to human form and thanked them.
- The party slew a giant deicidal demon ooze on the slopes of God's mountain. After that the vengeful clone of a red dragon slain by the Storm God showed up and finished Him off. The party sorcerer challenged the dragon to race (she narrowly lost, but told everyone they met that she had won).
- The party realized a tagalong NPC (the sorcerer's long-last grandma, reunited with them in...the Temple of Undeath...) was a lich all along (!) They looked back in time and saw a ritual she did to turn the sky of the whole demiplane into a soul-snaring mega phylactery. The sorcerer then did the movements of the ritual backwards (and rolled a critical success) to undo one of the three phylactery sigils. This sent the lich flying up into the sky, where the souls she'd imprisoned got their revenge.
- When her soul was released from the phylactery "skynet" (see above bullet point), a dead paladin PC possessed the Throne of Thunder and spent the rest of the campaign as a powerful chair with the ability to grant spells and influence the weather
- A rogue used a magic item that allowed astral travel to heavenly planes, to develop a romantic relationship with the Elf Moon Goddess and get the inside scoop on the God's interests in Stormlock
- A character named Thomas rolled a natural 20 on a cooking check to make the party some scrambled eggs. He was thereafter known as "Eggs" Thomas, or simply: Eggs.
- One player made a bard named Mave "Wonderwall" Datthews, whose constant motivation was to start a rock band.
- One player single-handedly introduced a colorful cast of characters throughout their time in the campaign: James the happy-go-lucky halfling monk; Pthulo the disgraced, haunted power-armored elephant-person war commander; Professor Appotomous, the hairless mad pyromancer with a pet fire ferret; Lucida, the childlike rubbery blue "starchild" with four arms and a disdain for humanoids smaller than the giant who raised it; and a treant named Bruce. It was beautiful.
- The party were very nearly wiped by a vain banshee queen and some shadows after they refused to pay her a tithe. Ultimately, 5r1-fe, the party construct, gave itself as a sacrifice to save the party. Upshot: the party stole her diadem, with the power to use a fatal banshee scream. Requires the sacrifice of a mortal soul to recharge...
- Faced with a room full of giant abstract termites that eat form rather than matter, the party closed the door on them and heaped a pile of sand in front of it, reasoning that sand is too messy, chaotic, and formless for them to eat through!
- The party got some magic swords - The Name Blade, which can learn the truename of any fiend it cuts, but will only share the truename in exchange for the sacrifice of an innocent life; and a Dragon Slaying sword that could kill any dragon with a touch, but would then curse the wielder with the worst evil from the dragon's heart
- I tried to end a session on a literal cliffhanger with an angel flying off with the party's magic sword after stealing them in the night - and a player asked "how far away are they?" They proceeded to collaboratively teleport-hop off the edge of a cliff with their's and a fellow's spells, then grapple the angel in midair to get their evil swords back!
- In a Death/Life/Undeath themed dungeon, Mave Datthews summoned an unseen servant and dipped it in pure Undeathness, revealing its (randomly generated) true form: a penguin. Mave proceeded to form a Church of "Unundeath" around it.
- A random encounter brought forth a necromancer NPC that gave the party a "leave now or die" ultimatum speech after dramatically raising the skeleton of a colossal dragon. A rogue immediately sneak-sniped him to within a hairsbreadth of death :P
- One character "retired" by going to Hell and mounting a longterm project to build a demon-slaying warforged army with the expertise of an evil warforged-making wizard that the party had earlier traded to the devils
Campaign Resources
Stormlock Factions
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1. Frida
(Laume; The Storm-touched.) High elf lich responsible for turning the demiplane of Stromlock into a living Phylactery. Currently amnesiatic, reverted to a younger age.
500 million souls trapped in the silver strands of Stormlock
Vast arcane knowledge and power gleaned from many lifetimes and worlds
Apprentice Archmages seeking the secrets of lichdom
XX[] Shake off amnesia and escape Nanny Titchwillow
XXXX Close all of 4 of the spontaneous rifts to the Abyss in Gysengod
[][][][][] Re-establish the phylacteric sigil of binding above Io’s Fang
2. Miasgloom
(Devouring Slime; World-Ender) Hive-mind ooze demon lord who wants to beautify the multiverse with pain. Has an avatar in Sodia, near a portal to its Abyssal domain.
- The knowledge of all the creatures it has assimilated
- Avatar “mother” in Sodia, churning out ever more ooze demons
- Squadrons of ooze zombies in Gysengod and near Vemenfast
[][][][] Overrun the Throats of Flame; seize the Throne of Thunder
[][][] Overrun Lutrina
XX Establish macabre Church of Miasgloom, a death cult with mad clerics and paladins
3. Baator
(The Nine Hells) Various Devils of Baator hope to rid Stormlock of demons and harness the demiplane’s mythal-making powers.
- Armies of countless devils
- Prisoner: Milomin Derbender
- Eons of operational expertise in warfare against demons
X[][]([][]) (Hok) Harness the power of Stormlock to invent divine shapechange spell; impersonate Lolth and destroy her domain in the abyss
[][][] (Zariel) Send fully half the forces of Avernus into Fete; crush the Demontide army
X[][][][] (Asmodeus) Establish a permanent outpost of Baator beneath Gysengod Castle; a permanent claim in Stormlock
4. Klados
(Godkiller; The Crimson King; Fireborn; The Flame Architect) Clone of an ancient red dragon. Infamous foe of Surmos and Fete.
- Wyverns and cultists, including the formidable half-dragon wizard Shymersh
- Alliance with Ulgaus Thrimm
- Throne of Thunder (affect environment, grant divine magic, immortality)
[] Attempt to exorcize Harmony’s spirit from the Throne of Thunder
[][] Erect a curtain of fire all along the southern slopes of the Hushduhr Mountains
XXX[][] Free Tiamat from Baator and bring her to Stormlock
5. The Living Shadow
(Shadowwyrm; The Tarnished Silver) An ancient shadow dragon that has become one with Undeath itself. Formerly a silver dragon who worked to maintain balance in Stormlock.
- The Shadow Master, infiltrator, warlock, and martial master (James Brambleberry)
- Shadow army of 200 shadows
- Surveillance via Aesthorne’s shadow tattoo
- Corrupted sleeper agents amidst the Goliath
XX[] Kill Glena with white dragons; Turn off Goliath beacon plane gates and rise from the Goliath abyss (Glenna opposes)
[][][][] Use the orb of dragonkind to lure and absorb Klados
[][][][][] Use the orb to lure and absorb Imyrith
6. Ulgaus Thrimm
(The Keyholder; The Face of Madness) Apocalypse-craving master of the ancient Gatekeeper Cult.
- Gatekeeper Cult and Chosen of Durshlamek
- Master of Plane Gate magic
- Alliance with Klados
- Thay-O Humonulous, spy in the party
[][][] Complete replica of the Pyramid of Pain above Wyrmjaw Valley
XXX(X[]) Collect three to five ritual ingredients (hag’s grimoir, red dragon’s claw, hobbit’s knife buried under a hill, angel’s feather, stone giant’s mural)
(Summon Durshlamek)
[][] Open the Goliath Beacon plane gate to the Abyss
7. Nanny Titchwillow
An ambitious hag with a mysterious connection to Pha, Goddess of Undeath.
- The oldest and darkest magic in the world
- A captive Frida
- Knows whereabouts of tablets of life, death, undeath
- Stormtouched; access to Frida’s soul vault; can invent far-ranging and powerful Mythals, with the help of a coven
XXX Become Stormtouched by milking Frida’s blood
X[] Coven with Frida and Spinster Maggot
[][][][][] Obtain the tablets of life, death, and undeath and wish to supplant the Ras’ Magush goddesses
8. Secteba
(The Cambion Princess; The Unkillable; Warqueen of Gesyngod) Official monarch of Gysengod after the murder of her father at the hands of Hok. Wears armor of invincibility and wields a greatsword that inflicts unhealable wounds.
- Command of intelligent demon platoon (The Demontide)
- Preternatural martial prowess
- Strong relationships with Gno the Arcanaloth, Spinster Maggot, and other unattached fiends of Gysengod
[][][][] Invade Dis; raze Hok’s domain
[][][][] Secure dukedom in Avernus
X[][] Raze Hushduhr
9. The Silver Strand
Secret society founded by the angels of thread and dedicated to preserving a balance of good, evil, law, and chaos within Stormlock.
- Agents throughout the settled and unsettled lands of Stormlock
- Intimate knowledge of the true nature and history of Stormlock, the Plane Storm, Teyaru, Surmos, and Ipoca
- Influence with the leaders of Fete, Hushduhr, Ptah, the Shadenduhn, Sanduhr, the Goliath tribes, and elsewhere
XX[] Secure the Ras’ Magush library in the Ash Desert
[][][][] Foment revolution in Gysengod
X[][][][] Secure the tablets of life, death, and undeath and wish for balance between good, evil, law, and chaos in Stormlock (Thanos snap)
10. The Fete Military Alliance
An army of Hushduhr dwarves, Shadenduhn mercenaries, Fey Wild elves, Burgle Regis halflings, and humans from Fete mustered to oppose the Demontide
- 45,000 human warriors, 10,000 dwarves, 5,000 Shadenduhn mercenaries
- Dwarven demonological expertise
- Bases of operation in Hushduhr, Druer Tane, and Sanduhr
[][] Fortify Druer Tane
[][][][] Close all 4 of the spontaneous rifts to the Abyss in Gysengod
X[][][][] Slay Aepep
11. The Directorate of Multi-Planar Security and Plane Storm Prevention
Group of deities - Seehanine Moonbow, Celestian, Primus, and Tymora - tasked with preserving Stormlock by the bureaucracy of the higher planes.
- Divine power over the portfolios of death, dreams, heavens, journeys, full moon, stars, transcendence, good fortune, skill, victory, adventurers, justice, order, and travel
- Vision into Stormlock through Lucida and Aesthorne
- Godly powers and knowledge
X[][] Send six angels and a squadron of modrons into Stormlock
X[][][] Enstate Celestian as god of Stormlock
[][][][][] (Celestain) Nullify the magic of all Plane Gates in Stormlock
12. Leyana and Hok
- Expansive knowledge of the bureaucracy of Baator
- Prisoners: Milomin, Sprogus the Modron
- Contacts in Stormlock and Avernus
[][]([][][]) Craft blueprint and a prototype; mass produce 5tr-1fe army
[][][] Secure the blessings of Zariel and Asmodeus
[][][][] Secure and mint the souls in Frida’s phylactery
13. Harmony
- The Throne of Thunder and its powers of scrying and spell-granting.
- Stormlock’s paladins of Surmos
- Weather manipulation
[][][] Permanently safeguard the Throne of Thunder from exorcism
[][][] Establish psychic connection with Leyana
[][][]([][]) Reclaim other half of soul; achieve ghostly immortality
Random Events
After taking a faction turn:
Roll 1d20 and subtract 1 for each faction that did not advance its goals. If the result is 6 or less:
Roll 1d6 to determine type of event (1-2 ecological, 3-4 political, 5-6 weird)
Black clouds form and rain ash and soot in a 200 mile radius of the Throats of Flame. Rivers are spoiled and wells are dug as fresh water becomes a precious commodity.
Earthquakes shake the coast. Port Ruhan and Ptah are in shambles after the quakes and a tidal wave.
Rain ceases to fall in Fete and the Burgle Regis for a month. A recursive supply chain crisis grips the land and farmers, hungry and without work, harry trade
A forest fire rips through the southern Fey Wilds. Several pixies, sprites, and satyrs are displaced. An obelisk entrance to a temple of El-ih, goddess of death, is revealed.
A freak lightning storm bombards the pyramid cage structure atop the tower north of Wyrmjaw Valley. Progress on its construction is set back. Demons of Durshlamek all gain one use of the lightning bolt spell.
A whirlpool forms in the weird sea and swallows Raft Town.
The halfling sheriffs of the Burgle Regis protest the human takeover of Druer Tane. Fortification of the fortress is set back as King Dailun seeks a diplomatic solution while his people grow restless and frustrated.
The Shadenduhn mercenaries leave the Fete Military Alliance, uncomfortable with their new diabolical connections and angered that Milomin’s promise to do away with Imyrith remains unfulfilled.
Shen Ro convinces the Loxodon to abandon their campaign against the Slaadi, abandon Ptah, and wage war on Klados.
Jottbar and a gang of hill giants and cyclops arrive at Druer Tane to demand fealty and worship from the people of Fete and the Burgle Regis. They demand a crusade against Miasgloom after seeing it destroy Vemenfast.
Gno the Arcanaloth becomes steward of Gysengod after Secteba abdicates the throne.
The Hushduhr dwarves adopt a policy of autarky and withdraw their troops from the Fete Military Alliance as they dig ever deeper, hoping to abandon Stormlock and find refuge in the plane of Elemental Earth
The Weird Sea is utterly drained and replaced by a vast, bottomless rift. Former islands float in midair. A floating trapezohedral structure (temple of death) is revealed, along with various extraplanar portals.
A barn-sized ball of shadow erupts from the valley between the Goliath Mountains and rolls south, growing larger and larger as it goes and absorbs whatever it rolls over, from pebbles to mountains.
One of the Hushduhr mountains rises as a colossus and marches into the Weird Sea, there to wage war with the forces of elemental water
A colossal fire elemental emerges from the upper volcano of the Throats of Flame and marches through the Burgle Regis before entering the chasm south of the Fey Wilds, there to wage war against the forces of elemental air
A plague of locusts made out of light appears and devours all the darkness they can find. Nighttime ceases indefinitely.
Countless eyeballs dot the sky like stars, even during the daytime. The sky murmurs in an utterly alien tongue every few days.
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Session Prep Notes
Final Session Play Report
- After the battle at the Goliath Mountains, both the Goliath plane gates are opened to the plane of light. This causes the sky to begin to crack as good, evil, law, and chaos become too imbalanced to maintain the Stormlock. The plane storm threatens to break free and tear apart the multiverse!
- The main party of heroes makes their way to the Throats Of Flame. In their absence, a shadow cult takes over and, in a battle with the Goliath Tribes, succeeds in converting most of the populace. Several Goliaths flee and Glenna, the last Angel of Thread, dies, succumbing to despair after the Shadow portrays her lost love Ezzessian fallen to darkness and terribly victorious.
- Mave continues to spread the good word about the power of Unundeath.
- The Directorate “shwoops” Lucida off to the island of Ptah to enlist the help of Pthulo and the Loxodon armies. Lucida then liquifies itself into a fuel for Pthulo's power armor. They become “Pthulida." They then arrive at the Throats of Flame alongside the party.
- Meanwhile Asmodeus, King of the Nine Hells, intrudes on an emergency meeting of the Heavenly Bureaucracy to make a deal. Sehanine Moonbow becomes his bride in exchange for his helping to control the flow of devils into Stormlock and to defeat the Demontide.
- The city of Fete is abandoned as King Dailun, his army, and a devil army led by Tymithih the bone spider all travel north to bring the battle to Gysengod.
- A contingent of the army meets up with Rimscatch Tababble and the rest of the order of the Silver Strand and sets forth into the Sanduhr Forest. With 5tr-1fe’s help, they destroy the banshee queen Elena and set 5tr-1fe free.
- Frida, who rocketed back into Stormlock like a shooting star after her confrontation with Chimes, now has the mind of a child. Nanny Titchwillow has become her surrogate mother, supped on her powerful blood, and brought her to Spinster Maggot, a night hag from Gysengod Castle. They form a coven and plot to gather the tablets of Life, Death, and Undeath.
- Durshlemek’s armies and Aepep the demonic purple wyrm decimate Husduhr and the surviving dwarves are scattered. BUT Aepep is killed and its corpse drapes across the mountains.
- A day of peace follows, but only because the Demons turn their attention to breathing their abyssal energy into the Pyramid of Pain to aid in the summoning of a corporeal Durshlemek.
- Dritter and Qutara bring Oolgaus Thrimm the dagger of Philbin from the Burgle Regis, along with a wing from the fallen Elena. These are the final ritual ingredients (“the wing of an angel” and “a Hobbit’s knife from under a hill”) to finish the ritual to summon the demon lord Durshlamek.
- Winter(Polaris) seeks an audience with Klados alone and uses the Banshee Scream diadem, fueled by a soul coin, to kill all of Klados’ mages. It works, but Winter’s persona is destroyed. Simultaneously, Flourish and Babel join fiery forces and jump into Klados’s mouth and speak to his heart. After his egg is destroyed by 5tr-1fe, Klados accepts Flourish’s invitation to become a draconic constellation burning brightly and undyingly in the night sky. Klados's last ritual to attempt to exorcise Harmony from the Throne of Thunder still succeeds, though!
- Del, Eli, and Pha - the goddesses of Life, Death, and Undeath - convene to investigate whether Juan (the shadow penguin of unundeath) is a blaspheme. To test their theory, they ask Harmony to vacate the Throne of Thunder. They also instruct Juan to interrupt the ongoing ritual. Harmony's soul leaves the throne and joins its other half inside 5tr-1fe. Summer(Polaris) inherits the last spark of Surmos and gains his godly powers. Juan is overcome by the ritual and dies. Having been through undeath, life, and then death again, becomes the avatar of unundeath and ascends into the now converted Throne of Unundeath.
- The armies of Miasgloom seek to thwart the party at the Throats of Flame. The Loxodon army is badly reduced, but Juan converts Misagloom's dead undead into unundead soldiers and turns the tide, causing the undead hivemind ooze army to retreat.
- A cricket learns to play violin. Yin Yin hears and is inspired to play Chimes’ flute.
- The Shadowmaster (James) encounters Eggs Thomas, whose demonic symbiote “Big Brother” convinces him to join them. James is absorbed, making Eggs Jameson.
- Durshlemek is at last made manifest and proceeds to wreak havoc across the Wyrmjaw Valley and the Husduhr Mountains, where the various demonic, diabolical, and mortal armies have amassed. King Dailun dies.
- Kiva’s magic theivery gloves walk off to steal the crown from the king’s grave while Kiva sleeps.
- Evet’s still around with his flaccid horns.
- The Coven believes Juan of Unundeath to be a threat to the Rule of Three, a fundamental law of reality upon which hags depend, and sets out with a yugoloth mercenary army to eradicate the new throne as the party and their forces travel to meet with the King’s armies in Gysengod.
- Professor Appotomus, Bruce, Ervan, and Eggs Jameson join up with the remaining forces and fight off the witches.
- The witches kill Juan, who mocks them, saying that his physical form is irrelevant, as the idea of Unundeath has already spread and ideas cannot be killed.
- The Professor and Bruce are lost, but take out Nanny Titchwillow by burning her at a stake.
- “Big Brother,” the soul of James, and Ervan are lost taking out The Dark Hag and much of the Coven's army. Eggs Thomas is left as just a boy.
- Frida nearly kills “Pthulida” but as Yin Yin plays Chimes’ flute, the last of Chimes's birth magic shows Frida her next rebirth - a peaceful life. This finally assuages the lich's fear of death, and she lets go and rests in peace.
- Tiamat is set free as its jailers in Avernus are all distracted by the various battles of Stormlock. Tiamat comes through the hell portal beneath Fete castle and destroys the city.
- Sahr Komba and Ezzessian (whose soul resides in Polaris) summon a shadowy avatar of Bahamut, the god of good dragons. This avatar combine with Tiamat recreate Io, the divine Ur-dragon, once again. A kaiju battle ensues and ends with both Io and Durshlemek’s mutual destruction.
- The Plumed Serpent Ipoca returns from its centuries-long travels above Stormlock (as Surmos predicted) and sets off into the sky to perform a ritual unbinding the souls caught in the skynet of Frida’s phylactery and empowering the deities to whom those souls are due.
- The Unicorn King of Lurin Forest brings Kiva, unwitting heir of the elvish throne, to the Fey Wilds. There, Kiva unleashes the elves that Nanny Titchwillow had trapped in a panic demi-demi-plane, fooling them into thinking that their elected king could operate the door (when only the true king, Kiva, son of Lathkivar, could do so).
- Agatha is lost while killing Qutara in a badass spell battle.
- Aesthorn finishes off Dritter with psy-knives empowered by her grief over the death of Agatha.
- Eggs Thomas feeds the remaining armies a hearty and heartening meal. They brace to fight Miasgloom in its Abyssal lair beyond the mines of Sodia.
- 5tr-1fe/Harmony opens a portal to Hell and finds that Hell is in an uproar because of Sehanine Moonbow’s ascension to queenhood. Leyana and her Devils have completed the Warforged army thanks to this political disruption and Leyana and Harmony reunite in a lover's embrace.
- 5tr-1fe provides the breath of life to the army of Warforged, distributing his consciousness among them in a networked hive mind. Harmony is granted 5tr1-fe's original warforged body.
- Sahr Komba rallies the remaining good Goliaths and straggled Dwarves.
- The Warforged army marches out of Hell and into Stormlock. The stage for the ultimate battle is set.
- Miasgloom’s forces are overwhelmed, but Miasgloom itself is resilient. Summer(Polaris) takes Aesthorn’s cursed knife and kills herself to learn Miasgloom’s truename (Fotsirhc). Polaris then forces it to “Laugh”. The Warforged then enter its gelatinous body, become possessed by Miasgloom, and echo its laughter throughout its body until the vibration rips it apart.
- The Storm continues, however, to disintegrate. The balance has shifted too far in the direction of Good.
- Teyaru speaks to Mave and reveals that she gave him the power - and the metaphysical necessity - to travel between planes using her spontaneous portals (per Mave's backstory) because she needed him ready as a failsafe just in case the Stormlock came undone. He accepts this and when his next gate is open, he commits an act of evil and refuses to leave, threatening to tear apart the world around him. The balance is restored by his evil act, and he is sundered instead of the world. He becomes the “Wonderwall” and stabilizes the breaking sky and the whole dimension, becoming the next Storm-lock.
- Parts of Stormlock are reserved for multi planar guests - angel judges, devil litigators, demon familiar pets, modron construction teams. Aesthorn becomes the ambassador for the variously aligned realms.
- Autumn(the last surviving personality of Polaris) becomes a teacher of bards and trains them to play with the Song of the Storm (Mave gets his band!).
- Lorn is revived with the Tablet of Life, and we learn his real name in Funf, as he was actually the fifth Chosen of Durshlemek all along! Autumn and Lorn fall in love.
- Harmony and Leyana adopt 5tr-1fe.
- The unnamed dwarf from months ago sets foot into the ocean to an underwater city. The modron-crafted scales displaying the careful balance of good, evil, law, and chaos across the sky of Stormlock tip in the direction of evil…to be continued?
What an amazing read! This is long-form campaigning at its best.