Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Undertree Playthrough

Last week I played through Undertree Temple of the Elf Gods using Adventure Hour! with a trio of friends - two of whom had never played an adventure game before! We used the All-Dice Character Generator and I made up a simple character sheet for the occasion - just a 10-slot box for gear and two big open boxes for character details and notes and such, well suited to Adventure Hour!

The players rolled up three characters:

Derrick the Disgruntled, a disgruntled low-ranking knight with a superficially positive and cheery demeanor (my buddy Esmond played this really well). Derrick's goal was glory, and his equipment: a sword, a letter-opener sidearm, a mind-guarding helm (which was completely forgotten in play), and a book of hymns.

Gorf, a Fiendfoe (read: paladin) with a high strung and impatient temperament, seeking the holy blade. My friend jOn played this beautifully to the hilt, trusting no one, kicking in every door, and menacingly demanding of every NPC they met "we seek the Holy Blade." Gorf was armed with a sword but he favored his sturdy branch, and he also had a waterskin and the holy fire lantern, which was the party's sole source of illumination for most of the adventure, and the reason that the otherwise indifferent, holiness-consuming monster of the dungeon hunted them down for the final showdown.

Ruben (like the sandwich) was a distractible Psychonaut (a "druggie," to the uninitiated) equipped with climbing gear, a picnic lunch, a hallucinogen tincture, a letter opener, and a jar of loose change. Poor Ruben was literally disarmed in this adventure, once by his "friend" Gorf, and once by the terrible Theoglut.

I took a page from a great in person Troika! game I've been playing in lately and printed the character sheets on colorful cardstock:

If you'd like to watch the whole zany tale unfold from humble door-kicking beginnings through experimental fruit transformations to the inevitable cannibalistic soup kitchen, you can! It's here on YouTube, complete with subtitles detailing my thought process as I refereed the game:


  1. This is SO COOL! Glad I stumbled on this from the FKR discord server. Obviously biased, but looks like fun! That gathering around the table, the chattering, the laughter, all looks so similar to my table's. Glad you enjoyed! :)
