Friday, June 30, 2023

Undertree Revised!

While recording a play through of Undertree Temple of the Elf Gods, I found looking up details in the text took too long, and while annotating the video with referee commentary I realize that text of the adventure did not include some details that I always mention when I run it. Also, I discovered an exceptional game store in Minneapolis called All Systems Go - not only did they have a bunch of prior-to-3e D&D modules, they had OSR publications AND a rack of indy adventure game zines! I told the owner I'd published an adventure lately and they said they would stock Undertree at the shop.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Undertree Playthrough

Last week I played through Undertree Temple of the Elf Gods using Adventure Hour! with a trio of friends - two of whom had never played an adventure game before! We used the All-Dice Character Generator and I made up a simple character sheet for the occasion - just a 10-slot box for gear and two big open boxes for character details and notes and such, well suited to Adventure Hour!

The players rolled up three characters: